Tuesday, October 27, 2009


"Work Work"

So over the summer Christine and I both attended internships at various corporate institutions. Today we'll be talking about our various experiences there and also the new things that we learned.

Christine worked at LifeScan which is a company that makes diabetes glucose monitors. Boring I know!! But anyway, from what I got from Christine stories were that she was pretty much working on spreadsheets for the whole day. But, if you know Christine you also know that she loves to do that kind of stuff so it worked out I guess. I'm not sure how much she enjoyed it there but Christine also got to work with Jane and Vikram from school. So, Christine's work had a yummy cafeteria, a ping pong table, and a vending machine. Apparently, these are the most exciting things that were at LifeScan. Everyday Christine had a regiment that she went through. First it was arrive and do work for one hour, then get hot chocolate from the cafeteria to keep her happy and last her until lunch. Then, Christine would go to lunch for an hour and a half before returning to work. After getting back, Christine made sure to visit the ping pong table every now and then and of course working throughout the day would be punctuated with trips to the bathroom. That last note is important so pay attention. Somedays, Christine would get to work at nine and leave by one or two. It was so unfair, see why in my section. Anyway, Christine's internship sounds pretty standard when looked at from a broad sense, but we'll dive more into details in paragraph 3.

I worked at Meriwest Credit Union which is essentially a non-profit bank. It was a rather interesting experience and I met some really cool adults there. I got to work in their marketing department and they were really nice about incorporating me into their daily life. I too would get to work at about nine in the morning and I would also get hot chocolate now and then but not with quite regularity as Christine did. For lunch, my co-workers would take me out and we went to some really AWESOME places. They took me out for these super yummy burgers and the cheese cake factory but my favorite time was when they took me to a sushi place that was just phenomenal. After lunch, I would get really sleepy so it was difficult to stay up but I somehow managed for a month. Also, I usually didn't get to leave the office until six or even seven o'clock some days because my ride wouldn't be able to pick me up that early. It kind of sucked sometimes being stuck there with nothing really to do. Luckily, I had Arcadia and 1984 with me. (Sorry I don't know how to underline even though the title should be). There weren't any other kids at my internship so it sometimes got a little boring but it was great getting to know some really nice adults at the credit union.

Now for the FUN paragraph, Christine and I definitely had some interesting experiences in the workplace. For instance, one thing we noticed is how great Microsoft Outlook is. I know that everyones in love with Gmail and Outlook is for "old people" but it really is quite fun. Christine and I used that to communicate with one another like it was Aim and since Outlook doesn't have stacking like Gmail does, our inboxes with fill super quickly but it was really fun and Outlook is awesome. Another thing we noticed is that after lunch time you get REALLY tired, especially if all you're doing is sitting at a computer all day. So what we decided individually to do was to go to the bathroom and sleep in one of the stalls. It's actually quite comfortable but can be somewhat awkward at times when another persons needs to use the bathroom in the stall next to you. Besides that, sleeping in the bathroom isn't all that bad but you have to get one of the stalls with a metal bar on the side or else theres nothing really to lean on. So yea! It was quite nice and reenergized us for the day! You should try it some time.

So that's it for our tales of summer jobs! Let us know if you have any good summer job (or just job) stories :) Maybe next year we'll have more adventures!


Chris and Christine

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