Sunday, January 17, 2010


Hello! I know we haven't blogged in quite a while, so I guess there were a lot of things that we missed out on :( but we were quite busy! But now, as 2nd semester seniors, there are few better things to do than update our lovely blog.

I guess we missed a LOT of bloggy-ness that we could have done over break with Christmas and New Years and everything, but to sum up what we have been up to, Chris went to England over break and I stayed home (and got sick :(). We watched Sherlock Holmes, then wrote a business plan in like 2.5 days and went to NorCal and had lots of fun. THE END. haha that is what we have been up to, in very condensed form, but you will probably hear more stories in upcoming posts :)

So if you guys don't know, the Super Bowl is coming up in a few weeks so we have decided to post our predictions here! I don't particularly watch football, but Chris does so we will mainly be using his expertise to develop these hypotheses. There are 4 teams left, so this is Chris's prediction of who is going to win (from most to least likely):

1. Saints
2. Vikings
3. Colts
4. Jets

ALSO, while Chris is watching football, I spend my time on different things, like watching the BACHELOR :) which is basically an amazingggg show that you should watch if you don't already (just ask Panos ;))! It's only been 2 weeks, but these are my predictions of who is going to win Jake's heart, mostly just for Sharanya :)

1. Ali
2. Elizabeth
3. Tenley
4. Corrie
5. Ella

YUP thats it :) Sorry this is such a short post after such a long break, but we'll have more fun with these after we see who has actually won and we'll post more things shortly!

Christine and Chris

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